deutsche Version 

Newsletter March 2015

Dear friends of the Theater Spektakel
A lot is happening at Theater Spektakel on all levels:

Change in the executive team

City mayor Corine Mauch and Peter Haerle, director of culture, bid an honorable farewell to Werner Hegglin,  member of the executive team of the Theater Spektakel since 1989. He leaves his post at the end of this month after having served the festival with his know-how and his wealth of experience in event technology for over thirty years. Werner Hegglin has been much more than just the architect of the festival site and of the various venues.Year after year he had a world emerge on the Landiwiese, the beauty and appeal of which was its uniqueness and fleeting character, just like the magic of a good theatre performance. As a member of the executive team, Werner Hegglin was co-responsible for the programme and contributed to exceptional highlights of Nouveau Cirque. Furthermore, it is essentially thanks to his efforts that festival is leading the way in sustainability and accessibility for people with disabilities. We thank him for all of that and not least for the heart and soul he has poured into «his» Theater Spektakel.

Redesigned venues

In January, Veit Kälin, the successor of Werner Hegglin, took up the post as the new co-director of the festival. The 34-year-old  is already hatching various ideas of how to remodel the festival site. While some of them can only be implemented in 2016, some will already be visible this year: A slightly redesigned entrance area with a new canopy will welcome this year's visitors. And the venue «Haus am See» will also have a new look.

Bye bye Bohemia

He had planned and announced it long beforehand, yet it was hard to imagine: Daniel Kehl and his Two Spice AG left the festival in 2014. For many, many years, they successfully ran – first the «Bayou», then the «Bohemia» – the biggest on-site restaurant. In a call for proposals, the festival was looking for a new suitable and weatherproof catering company. The concept of Florian Bachofner and his Best-Catering GmbH from Winterthur convinced the festival direction. Their distinct offer manages to fill the gap and to complement the culinary variety of the Theater Spektakel. More information will follow in the printed programme and on our website.

The new duo Zentral

The team in charge of the Zentral Stage has been reorganised: Musician, singer and theatre professional Ronja Rinderknecht (* 1986) and dancer, choreographer and director Miriam Walther Kohn (*1987) have been elected as the new venue managers of the Zentral. They are responsible for the programming and the management of the Zentral Stage as a meeting point for street art at the Theater Spektakel. They have already published the performing conditions for both the Zentral Stage and the paved spots and are planning various conceptual changes such as the expansion of the afternoon programme: On Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays there will be a special offer for children and families.

Application deadline for artists wanting to perform on the Zentral Stage: End of June 2015.

Performing conditions and application form

Good to know

  • Printed programme (in german only) as a supplement of Tages-Anzeiger: Monday 6 July

  • Tickets  and as of Wednesday 8 July

  • Due to this year’s renovation of the Quai Brücke, the box office is not located at the Bellevue but at the Bahnhofstrasse next to the Pestalozzi-Anlage (Globus). Open as of Wednesday 8 July, 9:00 hrs.

  • Festival opening 2015 (NB earlier than usual): Thursday 6 August (!)

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